Thursday, September 11, 2008

Life is a Highway

So we had our first "group" motorcycle ride this past Sunday. It's amazing how one similar thing can bring people together from all walks of life. We had 5/4 bikes ride with us Sunday. Unfortunately one didn't start once they arrived so only 4 made the 30 mile trip to "The Barn" in Springfield. A great little restaurant for pizza if you ever see it.

I don't know what will be next for the group. I'm thinking maybe a prayer ride from one campus to the next. Just being out on the open road is something that's hard to explain. The "freedom" and thrill of feeling the road how it was meant to be felt. The respect of the bike, pavement, and other vehicles that heightens your senses. I don't know what it is that leaves you wanting more but it's something that I think everyone experiences in one way or another. Maybe not on a bike, but somewhere in their life.

Special prayers for the families of Milton-Union tonight.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Today's Teens

So Friday night,
Friday night, we had 100 teens show up to the YMCA Fifth Quarter event. The event was meant for kids in middle school but of course some kids on both sides of the age spectrum showed up. I don't necessarily mind if kids show up who aren't exactly in middle school, but the guys with tattoos, beards, and balding heads probably stretch the age limit. So how do we stop that? I dunno...they tell us they're 14 when they come in, but when no parent shows up to pick them up, they suddenly pull our car keys and say they can get themselves home. What to do?

Then we have the kids who are the right age, but try not to have their parents find out where they are. As many times as some of them come, they never seem to have a ride home. Not only do they not have a ride, they try to hide that fact from us. Of course we also have the kids show up who are high and what are we supposed to do about that? We don't see them do it, just kind of suspect that's the case.

100 middle school teens on a Friday night after a football game are crazy. They are out of control, out of line, and out of their mind (literally)...but we still love them and they still need us. Let's hope we can continue to find ways to reach them and influence them through these chaotic events!